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#1 Posted : Thursday, October 9, 2008 8:07:44 AM(UTC)

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dit zou het wel eens kunnen zijn ...

Plastic Stegadon to be availiable as a rare, special and mount option. Up to nine said to fieldable in one list. New kroxigors.

2nd Wave Daemons
Plastic Daemon Prince, new Seekers, rest of the named Daemons, possibly generic daemons and a Battleforce

Offline wolf  
#2 Posted : Tuesday, February 3, 2009 5:10:58 AM(UTC)

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nog eens wat geruchten

2009 Warhammer 40k & Fantasy
-April: Imperial Guard (we hear May)
-May: Fantasy Empire 2nd Wave (Empire Steam Tank, Greatswords, "Military Altar" ) (we hear June, and have no indication of a "Military Altar" )
-July: Planetstrike (looks like its coming at LONG last)
-September: Space Hulk (with all new modern plastic termys, genestealers...the whole 9 yards) (we have no confirmation on this)
-October: Skaven (we hear August)
-November: An unnamed marine chapter (we hear Space Wolves)

2010 Warhammer 40k & Fantasy
Fantasy Candidates: Khemri...
40k Candidates: Tyranids, Blood Angels (possibly following on the coat-tails of Space Hulk), Necrons, Tau, Dark Eldar are reported to be almost finished, but pushed off due to their low interest level.
Offline wiz  
#3 Posted : Tuesday, February 3, 2009 9:45:14 AM(UTC)

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Weet er iemand wat meer van die Planetstrike ?

Wat ik er al van gehoord is wel nice.

Offline Shadowhunt3r  
#4 Posted : Tuesday, February 3, 2009 10:36:10 AM(UTC)

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wiz wrote:
Weet er iemand wat meer van die Planetstrike ?

Wat ik er al van gehoord is wel nice.

Focus op drop pods, deep strike ... om het gevoel van een planetary assault te creëren. Hoop nieuwe missies?
Nieuw plastiek voor storm troopers en gargoyles. (Wiz zal blij zijn (contamina )
Ook voorspellen ze een nieuwe valkyre (vliegtuig IG) en nieuw terrein (landingsplatformen?)

Die IG dingen komen wss al uit in mei. De rest zijn speculaties en geruchten.
Offline Shadowhunt3r  
#5 Posted : Friday, February 6, 2009 7:41:02 AM(UTC)

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wiz wrote:
Weet er iemand wat meer van die Planetstrike ?

Wat ik er al van gehoord is wel nice.

Hier wat meer over de IG: http://belloflostsouls.blogspot.com/2009/02/40k-rumors-ig-latest-details.html
Offline wiz  
#6 Posted : Friday, February 6, 2009 7:45:05 AM(UTC)

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ja, zalig, een volledig deep strike IG leger zou cool zijn ... valkyries met stormtroopers en shocktroops met gravshutes ... zupa ;)
of het goed zou werken weet ik niet, maar het zou wel cool zijn :)

en idd plastic gargoyles zouden een droom zijn ... ik gebruik de huidige niet omdat ze zo lelijk zijn en duur (allemaal metaal voor cheap troops ...)

+ 4 pts voor een guardsmen met lasgun ipv 6 pts nu ... cheaper than gaunts, een verbetering i say :p

Edited by user Friday, February 6, 2009 7:46:26 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline wiz  
#7 Posted : Sunday, March 22, 2009 1:17:41 PM(UTC)

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Nog wat info over planetstrike

Hi guys, here is the latest talk about town regarding Planetstrike, the next 40K release after Imperial Guard.

Planet Strike will supposedly come sooner than expected. I’m told July at the latest.

In a game of Planet Strike, the Attacker/Defender split will be very important, with them possibly getting different FOCs.

-Gets to place all terrain on the battlefield and picks his table edge.
-He can declare Terrain to be dangerous if he wants (Mined for example) although it’s not clear how much he can do this for.
-There will be buildings with mounted weapons, like armed bunkers etc. Probably, the defender will have to place all of his army.

-May place some Craters to get some cover.
-May move in from his table edge, Deep Strike and Outflank, similar to a "Dawn of War" Scenario.
-May also get some goodies like a prepared Artillery fire on the defending units, special equipment etc.
-Will most likely get first Turn.

New multipart plastic terrain kit similar to the Cities of Death ruins. With enough of those you will possibly be able to build fortresses, defensive structures for tanks, or control towers, outposts etc. These are believed to be seen on p.81 (bastion), p.230 (bastion, barricades, autocannon AA turret), p.243 (bastion) in the 40K rulebook.

-Aircraft landing pad
-New craters
-Ironclad Dreadnaught
-Land Speeder Storm
-Vulkan Hes'tan
-Plastic Thunderhawk is again mentioned.

interesting stuff, vooral de nieuwe scenery kits spreken me uiteraard aan.
Offline BloodEyes  
#8 Posted : Wednesday, May 13, 2009 11:33:17 AM(UTC)

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Hoe staat het met de 2e Wave voor Daemons?
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