Hello sport fans , I’m Paul Sighmen and welcome to an other exciting game of bloodbowl. The weather isn’t looking good and its pouring rain making the pitch looking like a march.Yes paul, your right about that but what of the ball?The ball will be slippery, Art !
It looks like a great turnout for the Icewalkers, less for the greenskins ,still, a packed house. Say Art? What’s your estimation on the headcount?Well Paul, I think there are about 18,000 Icewalkers fans and a 13,000 Da Rusta Mashaz fans.
Those Icewalkers draw a good deal of fans since they delivered so much casualties to the Gryffons last match. Yes, but today they’ll face Da rusta mashaz, those orcs trained all winter bashing trolls with their bare hands. That’s right, they cant throw a ball but , wow, they sure can throw a punch.
And the ref is coming on the field with the players. Those greenskins sure look mean. Coach Svenson Ironarm is gathering his players to recap the strategies resulting in a morale boost.(outstanding coaching +1 reroll). Coach Rusty is also communicating with his players , hitting his players with a wooden club.
And the whistle blows and they’re off. Four players of the Icewalkers fall down and turn into their wereform. Including prince Shafar, the notorious Werecat from the east. The crowd goes wild. The scrimmage begins with lots of pushes and punches, the ball is in the hands of the greenskins. Oooh whats that?! Did you see that Art?
Yes I did, the blac orcRutgrub punched the new Icewalker right in the face, breaking the helmet, the nose, cheek and a few teeth. I’m sure his first game will be his last game. Yes, fans, the Icewalkers are now on the field with one man down. Still the Da Rusta Mashaz doesn’t succeeds to get the ball from the middle of the field into the Icewalker half. Oooh, geez, black orc Gorgon blocked Gunnarsson so hard that he left the ground and landed 5 feet away. It seems that Gunnarsson isn’t moving again, that’s two men down.
Yes Paul, it seems the greenskins are in the mood for blood. The crowd loves it, the green crowd, that is!
The problem with the Icewalkers is the fact that the Da Rusta Mashaz is focusing his brute force upon the humans and ignoring the were’s. Nice tactic, but I think that they just hammer everything that’s in their way, were or human. That’s another possibility.
Look at Ulfric, he’s about to block Drumgor the black orc. Ohoo! That’s gotta hurt. Ulfric punches Drumgor right between his eyes and breaking something!! Yes, his own hand, I think Ulfric ‘s forgotten that the skull of a black orc is as hard as steel. He’ll miss the next match. Dum dum dum ta dum dum dum dum dum . Another bites the dust !!! Its looking grim for the Icewalkers and were only in the 4th inning of the first half. Werewolf Olaf Öralssen takes revenge at Rutgrub, punching the black orc KO. He’s lucky, in last match Olaf kicked his opponent to death!! His black orc colleague Gromit doesn’t like what he sees and jumps upon the first werewolf he gets his hands on. I wouldn’t like to be in the shoes of that wolf. The wolf is getting a pounding beyond your belief…and yes...it seems…yes…the wolf isn’t moving anymore. Is he dead? No, I just got a conformation that he’s badly injured but still breathing. Now the Icewalkers are with seven players and without reserves.
Princess Fatima is getting furious and is kicking a poor stunned orc linesmen. Whats that? The ref is sending her of, yes fans this ref got guts!! Or the fact that the orc coach is holding the wife of the ref by the hair and is swinging his coachingclub, got something to do with it? Could be, could be. So the Icewalkers are with six and the greenskins with ten. And there’s the whistle that ends the first half and bloodbath. I don’t think the Walkers fans are happy, they came to see blood but not their own team’s bood.
Now we’re leaving you for the so much needed commercials… see you in the second half.
Hello, Art Garkfundel here with the second half. The players are taking up their positions and, oh what’s happening in the scrimmage zone? Olaf is saying something against Rusty, the orc coach. Rusty runs upon the field letting the ref’s wife free. Rusty is beginning to club Olaf and yes fans we got ourselves a genuine riot on our hands . How does the ref cope with this? Hi Art, did I miss something? Look at the field Paul. Holy cow, everybody is fighting and the crowd loves it.
(5 innings later)
We’re in the 5th inning and the ref finally quenched the riot with the help of the local habitants. The treemen of Eltrich.
The orcs has formed a solid wall of green muscles , no wolf or man will pass here without some bruises.
There is a lot of punching going on but nobody is getting hurt. As if the Icewalkers dodge every tackle or block the orcs throw against them. They must!! The orcs are at full strength while the Icewalkers are occupying there half with six players. Three wolves, a cat and two men. The orcs are caging the Walkers in, there isn’t a spot free round the walkers. Prince Shafar got the ball but doesn’t got the strength to force a opening in the green wall.
But what’s that? Wolf Thorsen Eric breaks free from the defence and runs to the endzone. O yes, Prince Shafar is getting ready to throw the ball, ,it looks like its going to be a long bomb. It’s a well known fact that lycans aren’t good at throwing balls. Or catching!
And the ball leaves the hands of Shafar, Gorgon tries to intercept but with the rain pouring down its almost an impossible task. The balls lands and Eric takes the ball. And drops it , its very difficult with his paws and the slippery ball. The ball ends a little closer to the endzone.
Rusty is shouting to the orcs to kill Eric and take the ball. Every orc is running to Eric. Except the black orcs which are blocking the remaining Walkers.
An orc linesman is standing next to the ball, the suspends is rising. Eric sprint to the ball. I would like to point out that a wolf isn’t famous for picking up the ball, it’s the paws. He passes the linesmen he’s picking up the ball and… he holds (6 on 1d6). He sprints and TOUCHDOWN. Eric has scored and the fans goes wild, the walkers fans that is!
The Da Rusta Mashaz has two innings to score. What’s this, before the orcs can do anything prince Shafar blitz the orc linesman pushing him from the middle.
The defence of the Walkers is a bit of a laugh, with six players you get a little wall.
The orc blitzer is free and runs at the endzone. The ball is launched from the scrimmagezone and is flying to the blitzer. This catch is crucial, were in the 7th inning. Ooh, the ball goes wide and ends up between the fans who throws the ball so far out of reach that nobody can score an other touchdown.
And the final whistle and the game is over.
Well Paul, the walkers win this game but got lucky they weren’t totally massacered.
Yes Art, it seems that the Da Rusta Mashaz is losing fans and the Icewalkers is gaining fans.
Well is a goodnight from me. And a goodnight from him.
Game The Norsca Icewalkers - Da Rusta Mashaz
Score 1 - 0
Date 16/07/08
Gate 18000 - 13000
Winnings 50000 - 30000
Casualties 0 - 4
Fanfactor +1 - -1
Edited by user Tuesday, July 22, 2008 7:04:59 AM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified